Sunday, August 28, 2011


Ketep Pass :

Pass Ketep District Tourism Object Nature Tourism Magelang is Kegunungapian especially Mount Merapi. Tourism Object Ketep ketingggian Pass is located at 1200 m above sea level. The area around 8000 sq m, is 17 km from Magelang Blabak towards the east, 30 km from Magelang and 35 km from Boyolalai. From the town of Salatiga is located about 32 km, can melalaui Kopeng and Kaponan Village and 30 km from Borobudur. Object location is easily accessible either by large buses, mini buses, sedans, or the like as well as motorcycles.

White Creater :
White crater is located in Mount Patuha, a mountain in West Java. The height of the mountain is 2386 meters. Crater of Mount Patuha is what makes it interesting sights in the name Crater White .

Beaches in Yogyakarta

want a vacation to the outer islands, overseas ... in the punch fund (no incoming links heheheh). bored also want ti vacation spot that's it. beach-that's it .... just looking looking at mbah google (Jogja area specifically) may ultimately references a lot about keesotisan dah dijogja tourism (especially the beaches). In addition to the beach is a beach Sundak ngrenehan, cloves, Krakal, Drini, baron, ngobara

Ngliyep Beach:
Ngliyep beautiful beach is a mix of various natural escarpment surrounded by protected forests and beautiful white sand between them. Besides the crashing waves at any time hit the steep cliffs on the shore make the atmosphere more lively and natural shades. But do not expect Tourists who come to the beach attraction Ngliyep can swim at the beach, the waves on the south coast are generally very dangerous. But that should not be a reason for not visiting attractions Ngliyep Coast, there are still many activities you can do, such as making sand sculptures on the beach, relax while watching the sunset charm that can be enjoyed from Mount Kombang.

Dream Land :

Or better known as Dreamland Dreamland Beach is one of the most beautiful beach in Bali than Kuta beach. This beach is located in Pecatu area, a region in the southern part of Bali. The beach is located not far from the area of ​​Uluwatu in Bali is very famous for its beauty. The beauty and cleanliness of the beach adds to the attraction of visitors, not only from domestic but also foreign tourists.
lovina Bech :
Lovina Tourism Region is a tourist area with a central region located in the Village Kalibukbuk 10 km west of Singaraja. Its main attraction is the beach with calm sea water, blackish color of sand, coral reefs with tropical fish. Because the nature of the sea is calm, Lovina is very suitable for water recreation such as diving, snorkeling, swimming, fishing, sailing, rowing or just soak in sea water. Besides the appeal, it can be noted here, is the presence of dolphins in their natural habitat. These dolphins by the hundreds / can be seen in the morning, approximately 1 km offshore, using the services of traditional fishermen

52. Kintamani dan Danau batur :

In the area of the mountains around Kintamani, there is Mount Batur with crater lakes and natural hot springs in Toyabungkah. The cold mountain air with views across the way, the beauty of the existence of several important shrine, which had Kintamani one of the memorable places that tourists Bali agenda.

Gili Trawangan :
Gili Trawangan is the largest of three small islands or dyke located at the northwest of Lombok. Trawangan is the only earthen a height above the sea surface is significant. With a long 3 km wide and 2 km, Trawangan metropolis around 800 souls. Between the third dike, Trawangan has facilities for tourists of the most diverse; shop "Tir na Nôg" claims that Trawangan is the smallest island in the world to have a bar-Ireland it. The most densely populated section is east of the island.

Rote Island :
Rote Islands, also called Roti Island, is an island in East Nusa Tenggara Province. Rote is the southernmost area of ​​Indonesia. The island is famous for its distinctiveness palm cultivation, natural beach tours, music Sasando, and custom hats Ti'i Langga. Rote status as a district by district name Rote Ndao

komodo Island :
Komodo Island is situated in a strait between the island of Flores in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) and Sumbawa in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB). On the island of Komodo are the world's largest lizard, the Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis). Komodo is believed to be the relic dinosaur ancient animal that is still alive. long Komodo dragon can reach 3 meters with a weight can reach 140 kg. On the island of Komodo peariran there are also the waters belonging to the magic underwater world. Bottom of the sea waters of Komodo is the best in the world, at sea level menyembulnya dry lands are hilly coral. Very worthy of inclusion in the island of Komodo in Indonesia wonders list.

lake Flores
This lake has a privilege compared to other lakes, Why is that? because this lake has 3 different colors. no single person who does not know exactly why be so (i nga tau aja). Lake Flores is located in East Nusa Tenggara

Pantar Strait:
The beauty and uniqueness of the underwater world is amazing Pantar Strait. Even when compared with the Komodo Marine Park in NTT, Berau in East Kalimantan, Bunaken in North Sulawesi and Raja Ampat in Papua, Pantar Strait is still the best, although so far for the diving, marine park Komodo, Bunaken, Berau, and Raja Ampat more popular, but in the eyes of the world-class diver Pantar Strait marine park which is located in Alor, East Nusa Tenggara Province, is superior because of its beauty is stunning.


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